It’s sad when Washington and New York insiders try to play up how hip they are by mentioning Saturday Night Live as a cultural beacon. It’s like old people at a club thinking their hip because they dance the Electric Slide. You’re talking about a show that lost its water cooler relevance in the mid 80s, and that’s being charitable. Only on Sunday talk shows do I hear people breathlessly talking about some skit on SNL, and in those cases they are mostly skits poking fun at the political race. Wow, really a tough target. What really gets to me on those Sunday shows isn’t so much the bad skit they trot out as relative and trendy, but the self deprecating laughs the people at the table have after viewing the clip. Just because you think it’s funny and you laugh politely doesn’t make it funny. Just today I heard some commentators laughing at the time John Huntsman made fun of himself on SNL. Really? Isn’t he the candidate only political junkies know about? That’s how relevant SNL is to most people. 


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You Still Watch SNL - December 03, 2011
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