There’s a time when you can tell producers have hit rock bottom of project development. Many times this has been said and somehow what we can think is rock bottom isn’t. I’m going to review the film later, but many years ago when the first Transformers movie was announced, many thought there was no way it could be done. It became a box office smash, made a sequel that has made even more money, insuring producers will continue to go to questionable projects to make money.

Scooby Doo was made into a movie. It was bad but it spawned a sequel and a made-for-TV movie will be on air in the fall. A bad idea made money for someone. Early August GI Joe will come to the big screen, hoping to capitalize on toy madness like Transformers.

While it is far from being complete, it was announced in Variety that gears have started in turning out a Hong Kong Phooey movie. Why? It was a bad show to begin with, having a talking dog janitor transforming into a crime fighting kung fu expert. He changes into his alter ego by sliding into a filing cabinet.

It’s rock bottom, but as low as I think this is a week, a month or even years from now someone will come up with another half backed project that will be turned into a movie. Meanwhile, people like me who want to try an original project have trouble getting the money, having to deal with people who could care less about art and want to know the bottom line.



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Wow Really Depressing Brain Drain - July 12, 2009
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