There was an interesting exchange on Face the Nation where Bob Shieffer got into a tense discussion with Herman Cain about his unusual campaign ad. This ad has been a viral hit over the web, and it seems other than the eerie smile Cain gives at the end of the commercial, the objectionable point isn't any policy point said but the fact that Cain's campaign manager smokes on camera.

I didn't think after almost a week the commercial would still be the talk of American pundits, or that the act of smoking would cause such a debate. While I can understand Bob Shieffer's personal concerns about smoking, as he stated on the show he is a cancer survivor and it was caused by smoking, to claim the commercial glamorized smoking is something of a stretch. By many people who have commented on the ad, the mere fact that his campaign manager smokes on camera is taken to mean a screw you to liberal sensibilities.

I don't think Cain would admit it, but I think that is exactly what the ad is supposed to mean. One of the best examples of what the ad means was made a few days after the commercial went viral, and it was made by the campaign manager smoking in the video. He said there are many veterans hall bars across America where veterans are smoking. To put on my conservative Devil's advocate hat on for a moment, anti-smoking laws and higher taxes on smokers is one of the big liberal wins. Liberals have demonized smokers, making them almost as hated as bankers on Wall Street. However, despite making smoking seem evil or bad for everyone, there is a large minority of people that smoke. Liberals hide smoking like it is some shame but the video gives the Cain campaign that symbol of both saying screw you to the liberal nanny state and assures smokers the Cain campaign sympathizes with them.

It has been funny listening to the talking heads laugh as if they are so superior yet not understanding the simple message Cain is putting out in the ads. It's a crazy irony because when I have visited the local Occupy campaign, I have seen many people smoking and there are more than enough signs at the larger rally events during the week where people will have signs for legalizing pot smoking for either medical or personal use. I have co-workers that smoke, I have seen public transit workers and the riders of public transit smoking. I lave lost count of how many people in the course of a week will stop me to ask for a light, for a spare cigarette or for change to get a pack.

It isn't so much that smoking is being made glamorous when someone smokes but smoking reflects a segment of society that smokes; good or bad. To me it is crazy with all the things you accuse Cain of, the pundits focus on his smile and the smoking in the ad. Yet, by considering the commercial bizarre and some throwback to a crazy age, Cain continues to move up in the polls. As Herman Cain might say if he had a more clever staff to advise him of such things; Don't hate the Smoker, Hate the Game.


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Herman Cain: Don't Hate the Smoker, Hate the Game- October 30, 2011
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