This was the most defining and dangerous moment at the recent Republican Iowa debate. The moderator asked if there was deficit reduction deal that was overwhelmingly shifted to tax cuts over revenue increases by 10 to 1, would they not accept it. So, just to put this in an easy to understand form; a person walks up to you, they said they need change for $10 dollars but you say you only have a $1. The person is willing to give you the $10 for the $1.

All of the candidates in attendance raised their hands saying they would reject the proposal because it raised taxes, even by a little. The moderator made sure to clarify what he was saying and they candidates kept their hands up.

It cannot be said this was really surprising. Republican candidates have been lemmings in refusing to raise taxes. Earlier Mitt Romney got into a bit of a shouting match because while he said he wouldn't raise taxes some in the audience disagreed, saying corporations should pay their fair share (man I hate that buzz word). Romney answered saying corporations are people, which will be something that will stick to him like skunk on dog fur the rest of his political life.

The dangerous moment in the debate was listening to the crowd in the hall erupt with cheers at the site of the candidates refusing to raise taxes.

I think a lot of the Republican stalwarts project themselves into issues that will never effect them. Politicians, and this is on both sides of the aisle, interchange the facts about who will be taxed, so that someone not thinking will believe they will be the one hit, when the reality is quite different.

I remember almost a year after he was elected, Obama bragged about giving a tax cut to the people. He gave the average it would be, a few hundred dollars to the average American. It would be spread out over the year and we were suppose to be happy with this. I had already been burned a lot of times with raises from companies. They would try to get me excited over a 2%-3% raise, which would be great if I was making $50,000 to $100,000 or more, but in most cases the raise I got amounted to $10-$15 more a paycheck, which was swallowed up by higher rent, food and fuel costs. The next increase was negative. When I checked my paycheck after the Obama cut, I got an extra $2.10 for a two week paycheck. That doesn't even cover two items off a dollar menu at McDonalds (tax brings the meal up to $2.17).

The Republicans talk about tax increases as if it will hit us. For the vast majority of people, we aren't affected, but the Republicans makes everyone a corporation, everyone tied to a company that will benevolently pass on savings to us. That theory was proven false just a few weeks ago when the government stopped collecting taxes from airlines for inspections. Did the price of airfare go down? No. As an insult to the consumer, after the light was shined on the subject and the tax was collected again, some airlines said they would reduce airfare for a limited time. The thing was, because the tax was back in effect, the reduction the participating airlines offered was just low enough that the taxes that kicked in kept the price the same.

Corporations are not benevolent beings. They are devourers of souls. They worship the all mighty dollar and they will do anything to keep it. If jobs are cheaper overseas, send jobs there and forget the people at home. Pay for health care for workers? Better to manipulate, change, or otherwise discourage people from using it, or just fire them.

For those people in the audience to cheer non negotiation for a possible President, when they are clearly getting the best of the bargain, because of a pledge of keeping taxes low no matter what, is idolatry and zealotry in its extreme form.


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The Dangerous Sign at the Iowa Debate - August 13, 2011
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