I have hit my last nerve with the birther movement. If you don’t know who these people are, they are folks that believe President Obama isn’t legitimately a U.S. citizen, thus not a legitimate President. Time and time again records have been produced showing he was born in Hawaii, but that’s not good enough.

I’m not really sure what proof they want, but it is amazing how some, especially the fringe right wing media, are willing to perpetuate the notion and fuel the fire of these people.

Do you remember a little over a year ago, when McCain was getting close to becoming the Republican nominee? Do you remember when it was learned he was born on a naval base in Panama? Technically that was foreign soil. He wasn’t born in Kansas, or California or the state of Hawaii. He was born in Panama. People, even many Democrats including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, said no harm no foul. It was a base, American soil.

For weeks this story has gotten legs about Obama not being a full citizen. I hear people all the time talking about how they can produce their birth certificate if they needed to. Why and how? I’m serious about this because if it were so easy to produce records to prove we are U.S. citizens, then why do we have so many illegal immigrants who can get jobs in this country? We have to prove we’re citizens to get jobs all the time yet some people are able to come up with false documents.

Of course Hawaii has come up with documents proving he was born there, but it’s not enough. There are announcements in the paper at that time of the birth and it’s not enough.

C’mon, we know the real story. You can’t accept a black man as President. You can’t accept a man named Barack Obama as President. It makes more sense to some that he is some plant, a Manchurian candidate sent by some foreign country to infiltrate and undermine the government.

Just step back for a moment and think about this real hard. I know it’s difficult but follow me for a moment.

A foreign country or some other entity wants to disrupt the United States. They come up with the idea of infiltrating the Presidency. Kind of makes sense from a certain point of view. So, to do this they somehow, and we won’t get into the how, think Barack Obama, let me say this again, that a black man named Barack Obama would be a good choice in becoming President. If you believe this was planned early in his life than the country or entity wanting to infiltrate the government was rather forward thinking. You have to believe that in the early 60s they figured by 2009 the country would be ready for a black President. Not only that, but a black President by way of Indonesia who was born to a white mother from Kansas in Hawaii.

I’m sorry, just a pattern of Presidents up to that point would have dictated a white kid would have been a far superior choice than a black on. Even if you get past that phase, the pattern for Presidents would have meant doing the American dream route; going to the right schools, Ivy League and long term political service. OK, Obama got a lot of those points correct, but then you have Rev. Wright. Then you have Bill Ayers. You see, things have been brought up during the campaign that, had they been an issue, would have derailed his campaign. They didn’t, but again for this to be a conspiracy it would have to be a far thinking one because any other candidate would have been shot down because of it.

Oh, and we haven’t even gotten into the bad luck of having his name being funny and the bad luck of having terrorist attack on 9/11 and us going to war with a country whose leader has the same last name as Obama’s middle name.

See, the more you think about it, the odder the theory becomes. If you wanted to think of a plan that would be this convoluted yet so right in thinking, you have to forget Manchurian candidate and think Bene Gesserit. It’s in a book called Dune, written in the 60s.



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Birthers Please Shut Up - August 03, 2009
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