I just read where Pearl Jam is shooting a commercial for Target and they have a deal when their new album comes out it won’t be exclusive with Target but a lot of extras will only be possible through Target. It’s just like when AC/DC has their exclusive deal with WalMart; I can’t see where having these deals with corporate giants makes your band, especially a band that is supposed to be a standard for bucking the system, makes you still have the outsider cred.

Maybe I’m just being naïve in thinking you can be part yet outside of the system. Maybe it’s just part of the PR talk to have bands talk about how they want to be with the fans, about how it’s all about the music and how they would never sell out. I heard band members from Metallica and Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam say that years ago. While I have not been what you would call a big fan of Pearl Jam, I could honestly say I could respect their position. It’s the same with REM for me. I never was a big fan of theirs, but I respected their stance on corporations.

It’s like since the years have passed, they feel they have to get in bed with the corporations they swore off years ago. It’s not like a tolerated relationship; now they’re seeking out to shill themselves off to the big chains.

I just thought I would ever see the day with Eddie Vedder shilling for Target.




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Eddie Vedder Shilling for Target - June 3, 2009
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