I must be getting old because I realize there is no music out there I want to get. I don't mean just buying a CD or buying a single, but even trying to get a free download doesn't excite me. There isn't anything interesting out there for me. No one sings to me, no one hits me emotionally. Every once in a while I might download something because I heard it in a movie or in a commercial. It's a fleeting feeling but nothing concrete.

I was listening to the radio and this girl wrote an essay about The Beatles, but it was more about the music and how it related to her family. When they would go out on trips, no one could agree on what music to listen to, other than The Beatles. She said her family would go on these long trips and they would sing along to the music. She told the story about her dog went missing one sad day, and they couldn't find the dog for a time. Her father got the idea of going into his car and playing Beatles music, hoping the dog would hear it and come back. It didn't work, someone found the dog a few weeks later, but she thought it was a wacky yet meaningful memory of her father and relating to the music.

I just can't see people fifteen years later having fond memories of The Jonas Brothers, Hanna Montana or the Pussycat Dolls.

I have lots of memories related to 80s music, and if pressed I could probably give a good argument about how the music is just fantastic. That doesn't mean I'm clamoring for reunion tours of 80s bands. It's either out or in a few weeks it will be out, but U2 has a new album. They've been on TV and we're told this will be the next big thing. I'm looking forward to this about as much as I was for Chinese Democracy from Guns N Roses.

In other words I just don't care.

I'm not inspired, moved or otherwise engaged on this. I realize even mentioning U2 puts themin the old category, per se, which is exactly the point. U2, just like Guns N Roses, is an older band with a strong following yet other than hyped appearances I haven't heard lots of people excited about it. I see record charts where High School Musical, Montana and the Brothers are hot on the charts. Why? Even going down the roster, it's highly unlikely many making money now will be ten years from now. At most many of the current acts are like MC Hammer, good for the time, they will limp along well past their time in the sun and when we hear from them again they'll be shilling for some off the wall products meant to endear us with 'where are they now' nostalgia.



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When Did The Music Die? - Mar 17, 2009
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