It’s very early in the morning. The sun isn’t up and won’t be for at least two hours. I do what has become my ritual for the past month. I go on craigslist first, looking for a job and sending resumes to possibilities. The next thing I do is go to Facebook, just to catch up on information friends may have posted since my last check. Normally after that I would check on a few news websites just to get an idea of what happened overnight around the world. Oh, a lot of times, in the background, I’ll have a national news network on the television.

During my routine, I came across this post on Facebook. Apparently, this person responded to a post someone linked from what I can only assume was a right wing website, just based on the history of the person who felt the response was so profound and insightful they had to place it on their Facebook page for their followers to see.

"What is really sad is for the first time in US History we have a black President, black Attorney General, black Mayor . . . and all of this is happening under their watch which shows none of them know how to do their job."

As for what “all of this” is about, it is obviously a reference to the riots and consequences that occurred in Baltimore. If I understand the comment correctly, because the President of the United States, the attorney general and mayor are all black, rioting shouldn’t have happened in Baltimore. Because all three are black and it did happen, then the fact that rioting occurred shows all three are incompetent in their positions.

I always have to laugh when I see logic presented in such a flawed for such as this statement. What does being black have to do with the situation. Do you think there is some kind of hive mind mentality that links all black people together? Do you think there is some mental wave that black people can use to stop violence, something, I might add, isn’t possessed by other races?

My one, silly question would be how deep must the black link go to be effective? You have a President, attorney general and mayor in the black loop right now. What about the governor? The governor is a white Republican. Since the governor is above the mayor, shouldn’t that position be held by a black person for the theory to work properly? What a minute, the mayor and now attorney general are black women. Shouldn’t the President be a black woman so that an empathy variant, since we know all women are more empathetic to tragedy, for the formula to work? Here’s something to think about, just if you still want to hold that the theory posted is correct. Because the Senate held up the confirmation of the new attorney general, she has been in office less than a week, even though the vote could have occurred months ago. So either the former attorney general, who was also black, should have stayed in office longer, meaning the current attorney general should have continued to be blocked, so that an experienced black person would have been part of the chain, or the new attorney general should have been appointed earlier. How in the world can you blame someone for incompetence when the situation literally occurred days since they were given the office?

OK, some people might be able to poke holes in that argument. They might find some odd bit of logic in their head that still makes their theory hold that a chain of command of black people should be able to predict what other black people are going to do. If we go by that logic, why did Timothy McVeigh blow up the building in Oklahoma? The President at the time was white, the attorney general was white, the governor, mayor and chief of police all white. In fact, following the logic of the poster, you had a pretty big pool of white racial psychic energy that should have picked up on the situation. To top it off, McVeigh had ties to white Aryan movements. He was even an avid fan of the Turner Diaries, a book that depicts a plan of starting a race war. The bombing was executed by two people. Shouldn’t that have been prevented by the white psychic link, or, as suggested, is racial connectivity something only black people have?

We should fix the issue by locating possible hot spots of black disenfranchisement and replace any white people in power with black people. That way the psychic predictions and persuasion algorithms can be properly enhanced to prevent riots from happening. Replace mayors and police chiefs in cities with high concentrations of black people with black officials so they can psychically monitor the climate of the community. Oh, one more thing we’re going to have to do. It’s radical but if you listen to a lot of right wing talk radio, it is something predicted way back in 2008. Obama has to remain President indefinitely. Why? Well the poster already said the riots should have been prevented because black people are in charge, and since they didn’t predict the riots or quelled them the people in charge must be incompetent. Of the candidates announced for President, who among them will have the psychic resonance to connect with black people? Considering McVeigh was able to execute his plan without tripping the white psychic alarm, we have to assume someone in the white chain dropped the ball.

Oh my goodness! It was right there and I didn’t see it. OK, I know how we can get the black psychic chain fixed and without having Obama serve indefinitely. The obvious choice for President is Hillary Clinton. She’s still married to Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was called the first Black President by some, and since he wasn’t able to complete the link to McVeigh, his psychic wiring must be more black than white! Bill won’t be President but he will be in the loop and we can have a strong black psychic link to protect the country against black rioting.


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We Need The Black Worldmind - April 30, 2015
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