I am not a fan of shaving. I can be absent minded sometimes so I might miss a day or three of shaving. When I see things aren’t too bad, I’ll miss another two to five days. By the time the facial hair gets a little long, I let it pass because I don’t want to go into the weeds to clean up. Look, working nights there aren’t a lot of people I run into that I’m trying to impress. So the hair gets longer and I get, as an old schoolmate used to say (you know who you are Virginia), scruffy. It takes about a month and half before the beard starts to itch, the hair on my head gets patchy and it’s time for me to do a total clean up. I think the only advantage I have with letting the gray hair come out is people actually see me as mature. As I found out the other day, dropping knowledge on people with gray hair can make them listen a little better if they don’t know who I am. At least that’s my thinking. For all I know, and I’ll admit this might be a better assessment, when I’m grayed out, I’ll act with a bit more responsibility and’ age appropriate’ because when I look in the mirror I see this mature guy. When I’ve hacked the hair off I see this young guy and I’m a little looser in my attitude. When I go someplace like Comic-Con, no doubt I’m going to go clean shaven but if I don’t have to make the effort, the gray will flow until the itching gets unbearable.


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Showing the Gray - March 11, 2015
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