I don’t like customer service. I don’t like calling them, chatting with them either by phone or by computer, and I hate the fact that the people that are on the other end, be they in another country or here, have barely rudimentary knowledge of their product or current issues which may be effecting their product. I hate when, at the end of the conversation when nothing is resolved, they feel compelled to say ‘have a nice day.’ I’ve wasted time with you, my issue isn’t resolved, so no, having a nice day isn’t on the schedule. I hate after being on the phone for 30 minutes, they tell you the issue that a previous customer service person told you about an hour ago is still an issue and it will be fixed in a few hours. Really, even though the issue started early this morning, you are sure it will be fixed ‘in a few hours.’ By the way, if you are having a lot of calls with the same issue, putting in a trouble ticket isn’t going to fix this issue any faster. Oh, and while we’re at it, since MS did an update in the morning that caused computers to restart, and a few hours later you are having people calling up with issues, wouldn’t simple logic suggest that there might be a MS conflict with the product, especially if you are informed that a person who has the program set up on two computers in their home and only one updated and now has the issue, might be a point to explore? While we’re at it, if you knew one minute into our 30 minute conversation that I told you the previous customer service person gave me a 12 digit activation code, but that amount of digits doesn’t match the four digits supposedly asked for from the site or the 25 digit master code asked for by the program, could it be possible I was given the WRONG code? Did we have to spend 15 minutes going back and forth? And for the love of Hanna-Barbera, why must you read a script when I have explained the issue and my troubleshooting in the first minute of our conversation. Yes I restarted the computer, yes I typed in the code correctly because I copied and pasted the code directly from the chat log with the previous customer service rep and yes I did a fresh uninstall and reinstall from your site as per the link provided by the previous customer service person I told you about. Oh, and finally telling me that the link on the reinstalled program went to a page on the provider’s site that didn’t link to the right page was priceless. So I will patiently wait the 2 hours that you say it will take for the anti-virus program to be up and running again for the code. By the way, in the future, when a customer has been as calm as humanly possible, and when you give a definitive time of being back up and that calm customer, without sarcasm, uses passive language to infer he isn’t holding you to the 2 hour up time, don’t get company protective and insist it will be up in 2 hours. If you’ve had the issue all day, you have thousands of customers with the same issue, yet you put a customer through hoops for 30 minutes, your loyalty to the timeline of the product working again is suspect.


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Ranting about Internet Customer Service - April 25, 2013
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