Dr. Ben Carson was on MSNBC’s The Andrea Mitchell Report Friday trying to defend a specific controversial statement he made a few days ago on Fox News’ Hannity. First, let me put up the comment that has caused concern.

"Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition.”

If we are to believe Dr. Carson, his words were misinterpreted. That is how he started his discussion on The Andrea Mitchell Report. Let me just say now, and I will be as blunt as possible, there are at least two things people can say that will confirm they are not sincere in their statement and they are probably lying to you. When someone like Dr. Carson tells you a statement that was recorded and available for review has been misinterpreted, you can bet they are trying to make you disregard what you saw. In other words they are lying to you. We have the transcript and the actual videotape of him putting gays, NAMBLA and bestiality in the same category. He didn’t say gay, straight or whatever. He was very specific in putting gays in the category of sexually deviant behavior.

In the interview on MSNBC Dr. Carson used the second flag statement that should alert people of a disingenuous statement. He used a variation of the phrase ‘if I offended anyone with my comments I am sorry.’ Sir, respectfully, you aren’t sorry about what you said. You are sorry you were caught saying it. Dr. Carson is an educated man; he has worked with many different types of people. I would surmise he has traveled around the world and has encountered many cultures. I would also suspect he has dealt with people who are gay. Not closeted or ‘I can’t tell if they are gay’ gays but doctors, nurses, staff and administrators who are gay. I find it hard to believe he didn’t know that his statement would be accepted by people whom he knows as being gay.

I might be a bit sympathetic to him if the response was given a few hours after making the comment but he has had days to see the backlash from his statement. He had to know what he said was wrong and to come out with a milquetoast statement saying ‘if he offended’ people knowing full well there is no if about it is insulting to me.

Dr. Carson gave a very insightful look into his thinking while on MSNBC. He said ‘as a Christian I have a duty to love all people and that includes people that have other sexual orientations.’ So Dr. Carson has a duty to love homosexuals. It sounds to me that he’s isn’t loving unconditionally, but is doing it as a commandment. Put another way, I don’t love paying taxes but it is my duty to pay taxes. I don’t have a choice in the matter so I will grin and bear it.

For all of Dr. Carson’s education and accomplishments, I have to say I am very disappointed in what I have seen. He may be a brilliant surgeon, but I dislike his policies.

There’s one other thing I want to add for the people like Dr. Carson who are quick to give a Christian definition of marriage. It wasn’t too long ago when there were many Christian people who quote chapter and verse as to why the there should be no interracial marriage. In a sense, we have redefined marriage by allowing people from other races to marry, because the tradition in this country up until a few decades ago, was to forbid those types of unions.


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We Have to Talk, Dr. Carson - March 30, 2013
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