We’ve given all you people need to know,” said Ann Romney on “Good Morning America” Thursday, asked about the Romney tax returns.

A commentator at the Washington Post, and no doubt many more commentators will chime in, believe what the reaction has been by Ann Romney's statement has been a bit harsh. Saying 'You People' is just a poor choice of words, some will no doubt will say, just as the Washington Post commentator pointed out in their article.

What I would like to respectfully point out is Ann Romney's comment doesn't suggest a slip of the tongue or a bad choice of words. The Romney campaign and the Romney's themselves have projected a 'we are your betters' attitude during this whole campaign. From the dressage horse as medical therapy (but written off as a business expense) to I made a little money from speaking engagements (which was over $400,000) to It's Mitt's Time to I won't release any more taxes to this new statement, time and time again the entitlement tone has been given by everyone surrounding them.

While some have tried to twist seeming concerns about Romney's attitude as rich envy, the constant air of superiority because of wealth has been an overriding reason why many have not warmed up to the campaign or the candidate. People don't have a problem with rich people. I would dare say many like Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison and others. Not all have the greatest of personalities but any dislike of them stems from that, not because they are rich. All of us want to be rich. We dislike some people of wealth because of the entitlement they believe wealth brings them.

Wealth is a tangle measure of success in our society; no doubt about that. If someone is wealth it allows them advantages people without wealth don't have. Yesterday I took the bus to see a movie, then went to the comic shop before coming home. Removing the time of the movie from the equation, I spend 8 hours traveling yesterday. While I only spend the cost of a bus pass in travel time, if I had a car I could have had travel cut down to an hour at most. I didn't loom with hate or envy at all the people in cars that passed by me while waiting at the bus stop, or the people who drove up to the movie theater or comic shop.

Mitt Romney had a recent fundraiser in New York and the comments of some of the attending people was snobbery at its finest. One woman suggested the nail ladies, her daughter and the help didn't understand voting. This would be in comparison to a fundrasier, ironically also in New York, that took place a few months ago. It was a celebration of Ann Romney's birthday and a camera crew talked to some of the guests of that event. Just like the recent event, the people interviewed had an entitlement air about them.

It's not the rich we resent, it is the air of superiority we resent. It is the we know what's best for you wording we dislike.


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We Know What is Best for You People - July 21, 2012
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