I have come to the conclusion a vast majority of the American public have no idea how government works, nor do they want to learn how it works. They think government works in sound bites. They believe a position can be explained in a bumper sticker slogan. They get upset when the realities are explained to them, get frustrated when their view of government is proven wrong, and instead of trying to fight to correct the system they are eager to cut off what they feel is bad rather than looking into the future and seeing what the real problems are.

It could be the Tea Party, it could be the Occupy movement, it could be well meaning people who post petitions on Facebook without researching what they are mad about, or it could be someone willing to be upset with a current politician without seriously seeing what the alternative is. I have become weary of hand holding and trying to explain the realities of government and life to people who insist on thinking in simplistic terms. I’m tired of people fighting for territory rather than real goals. They spend their energy trying to make sure they can protest on a plot of land, but won’t help people they displaced from that land get food or shelter. People will complain over a headline they see from some bathrobe wearing, living in the basement of their mother’s house blogger who didn’t bother to notice the article they were up in arms against originated in another country and has nothing to do with the US. I’m tired of people so paranoid and disconnected they are willing to get rid of the President, if they even bother to vote, but won’t look at what the other side is willing to offer.

Let me put this as plain as possible, the people who sent information against the President, the ones who are all about peace and love and feel the current President isn’t on their side, do you remember what it was like when he wasn’t President? Where was your anger 6 years ago? Where was your anger 3 years ago? I don’t recall any concerns when the Patriot Act was passed. I don’t recall your concerns when the financial stability of the country was collapsing. The United States and the government of the country are not like some dilapidated house on Extreme Makeover. You aren’t going to get Ty and the gang to come in with a bulldozer and tear down the system then rebuild it in a week with volunteers and tax credits from product placements by Sears.
I am so tired of receiving emails and other communications from people talking about how much they feel for the environment, for the earth and sky, yet have no idea about the people hurting in their own communities. I hate when people smugly feel they are so much more enlightened than the folks around them, but won’t take the time to try and correct some of the ills they see, other than taking up a sign and marching down a street for a day or two.

Despite my disappointment in a lot of people and organizations, I still work to seek truth and understanding in things. I know the current President isn’t perfect in some areas, but I’ve actually listened to what the other side has to say. For those of you who think you have it hard now with Obama, think what a President Gingrich, Romney or Perry will have in store for you. Have you listened to what they advocate? Remember how much you are upset with the pipeline from Canada? At least this administration listened to the protests in front of the White House and has decided to stall the plans for a little bit. Do you know all of the candidates on the Republican side are willing to let the pipeline go through? You may be upset with the BP effort, and yes I agree this is a terrible thing that has happened with this administration, but if the Republicans have their way BP would be off the coast of California drilling for oil as well as being in Alaska. You’re upset you don’t have health care, even though this administration put in a health care system. Did you know the Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood, which supplies health care to a lot of people, not just women, who can’t afford health care? And if you think unemployment is bad now, Gingrich suggested in a recent talk that child labor laws should be changed so schools could fire the janitorial staff, get a master janitor then hire students to be part of the staff to clean up their schools.

We should hold people accountable, I do agree with that, but what I have seen in the last few months, which has distressed me a lot, is that people are misplacing their anger and it is being fostered by people who have a stake in it not falling on them. The minority leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell said just as Obama became President that his goal was to see Obama as a one term President. Michele Bachmann’s mantra on the campaign trail was that Obama be a one time President. The Republicans of the House and Senate consistently stonewall efforts to help common people but fight tooth and nail to keep Bush tax cuts for the rich intact.

Research is something a vast majority of people don’t want to do. They believe the sound bites so much, because Obama isn’t the magic black man they put so much energy into, that anything that fits into their overly detailed conspiracy theory is considered truthful even if the sound of it is wrong. All I ask is that you take the time to read what you are sending out.


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Y'All Gonna Make Me Lose My Mind Up in Here - November 30, 2011
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