I find it humorously ironic that Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain, appearing on Face the Nation on 10/09, had no comment on the pastor who called Mormonism a cult either for or against the comment, and in earlier times offered no opinion on different vocal reactions by constituents in the audience of recent Republican debates. They did find a voice in talking about the large number of people joining the cause of the Occupy Wall Street. Herman Cain said of the protesters on Face the Nation.

Part of it is jealousy…My parents never said that we hope the rich people lose something so that we can get something.

That has been the kindest thing he has said in the past few days about them. When asked, Newt Gingrich offered his own opinion on the protesters, heaping on the jealously slant with added insults.

We have had a strain of hostility to free enterprise and frankly, a strain of hostility to classic America starting in our academic institutions and spreading across this country and I regard the Wall Street protesters as a natural outcome of a bad education system teaching them really dumb ideas.

Peter King offered more of his personal insight into the protesters motivations.

We have to be careful not to allow this to get any legitimacy. I’m taking this seriously in that I’m old enough to remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen.

And not to be outdone, here is the sage observations from Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader (R-VA).

If you read the newspapers today, I, for one, am increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country. And believe it or not, some in this town, have actually condoned the pitting of Americans against Americans. But you sent us here to fight for you and all Americans.

Finally, Robert Samulson from the Washington Post wrote an op-ed piece about the backlash against the rich, where he is disdainful of the attack against the rich by the protesters and others. He ends his commentary with an interesting sentence in my mind, words that fit with the condescending, almost patronizing tone given by many politicians and pundits on the right.

However measured, the rich are besieged; the attacks almost certainly will intensify.

I guess if Newt had anything to say about it, my anger is fueled by a bad education system. If I am to listen to Herman Cain, the left has brainwashed me into thinking I should be anger with the system. Tea Party people, with the tea bags on their hats, the powdered wigs, the guns on display, the hatred of the President, those are the people I should emulate, I guess.

The thing the right wing pundits don't understand is people like myself have been treated as drones, as replaceable things for years. We are the easiest to tax, because we don't have a collective voice. We are the easiest to regulate, again because we have no voice. As far as education, we have been incredibly brainwashed for years into buying into the American dream, yet constantly reminded how worthless we are. Many of the pundits and politicians, who for some reason imagine themselves as rich, are so removed from real people they don't know what it's like for the vast majority of us.

Why do people get mad at the system? Just on a local newscast they talked about how there was going to be a segment on how to avoid those pesky bank fees. The anchor actually said people might think a $1 fee here or a $5 fee there isn't a lot of money but it can add up by the end of the year. Wow, you think? People who have no money have complained about fees for years, because those fees have been hurting us every MONTH, not by the end of the year. It sounds petty to take words someone said on a newscast and use it as an argument, but I don't think a $5 fee is a little thing. Just going to an ATM that isn't with my bank can hit me with from $2 to $5 a shot. That hurts.

I've had said that when we travel in cars we cocoon ourselves from interacting with the masses. The politicians and pundits would not think of calling people bums if they had to share mass transit with us. If they had to deal with us they might get past the stereotypes about us. Samulson wants us to understand the 'pain' the rich have to go through. Really? Maybe Samulson, Newt, Cain and some other pundits might want to talk to someone like myself. Interview us to find out what the 99% actually go through in life. I don't care about the 'struggles' of a celebrity, or Trump or any other rich person. I'm tired of hearing them talk about their sacrifices. I'm tired of seeing articles about supposed struggling people, who can't get a new car for their kid or who have to sell the summer home and they cry about not making ends meet. People like myself struggle to make sure the lights are turned on because we don't have a summer house or a car to worry about. You want to know what life is like, talk to people like me before you condemn and ridicule us.


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Hating the 99%, Right Wing Style - October 10, 2011
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