Gov. Christie, I do get it. You have the ability to send your kids to private school, and you say you do this because you want your kids to have parochial school. That is your decision as a private citizen and as a public citizen I do understand how you can send your kids to private school and work to help those who don't have the means to do so. I'll even give you leeway when you said on Meet The Press “You'll get her tone and her demeanor in that question.”

Here is where people like myself have a problem. You didn't tell this woman, a woman you couldn't see because it was on radio, it was none of her business where you sent your kids, you said it was none of her damn business. Yes, it's a minor distinction but a telling one, because saying it wasn't any of her damn business smacks of the same arrogance that allowed you to think it wouldn't be a problem in taking a helicopter to your son's game, or using a an SUV to take you the short distance to the field. You want to act like you are just a normal guy living a public life but things are the same for you like everyone else. I'm sorry Gov. they are not.

It's not just you who has this issue, and maybe that is the tone you sensed in her question. Just for a moment, think about things from her side of the fence. She doesn't have a helicopter to whisk her to her kids game. She can't come in late to work because she had a parent/teacher meeting the night before. She can't call a staff member to pick up something from the store for herself or her child.

Granted, the things I mentioned are not just trappings of politicians. Anyone with money could have the means to have help with kids. I always go back to something I heard many years ago. A comic talked about watching this girl wanting to be like Madonna and have a child without a husband. The comic talked about how the girl thought if Madonna could do it, she was a woman and could do the same thing. The comic reminded the girl that Madonna makes a ton of money and has a staff of nannies, helpers and others who were helping her to raise the kid. Madonna was not going it alone and the kid definitely couldn't do what Madonna does.

That is the frustration I'm sure you heard in the woman's voice. Instead of listening to her, understanding what she might be going through as a middle class person, and I'm assuming that because I don't know her financial status, instead of empathizing with her you lashed out at her. You may call yourself huggable and lovable but you didn't come off that way. Just like you assumed from her tone of voice her thoughts and you reacted in kind, many have heard your reaction to her and question your characterization of being huggable and lovable. See, she didn't have the press jump on her for taking a helicopter ride to her son's baseball game. If I had something like that happen to me, I would be aware some might have issues with that, and in that case I would know I could either be crass or have tact in answering questions surrounding it. It seems you have shown crass and because of it you look petty in the eyes of many.

So I understand how you can be frustrated by the 'tone' of the question, but saying it's none of her damn business where you send your kids and taking helicopter rides to their private school smacks of a 'let them eat cake' royalty that it wrong.


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An Open Letter to Gov. Christie - June 27, 2011
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