You know that joke said about Obama where it's said if he could walk on water some people would insist he couldn't swim? That has been the spin given to a number of pundits, mostly on the right, over this President getting bin Laden. It's been said he has done a 'victory lap' gloating about the killing, he has been criticized for killing and not capturing bin Laden, for not releasing the photos of the dead bin Laden, for going to Ground Zero, for not telling the Pakistanis about the raid and, in an op-ed piece in the LA Times, questions about why he had to announce the news so soon since they had so much tactical information.

I know this is going to hit a raw nerve, but it's not like he strapped on a flight suit, flew a jet to an aircraft carrier for the sole reason of having a photo op and to say Mission Accomplish. That worked out so well.

No this President can't please everyone but it does feel like common sense goes out the window when talking about this President. Watching former Bush Administration officials go on talk shows and acting like children insisting their work laid the groundwork in finding bin Laden is close to laughable, when you look at all the information. I want to think of all of this as typical partisan politics but there seems to be so much more involved.

This killing of bin Laden came in a week where the President of the United States, in order to appease political opponents, released his birth certificate for a second time, this time in long form. For some it still wasn't enough as some 'experts' went on FoxNews to look at enhanced photos to show how the second form was a fake. Donald Trump, the water bearer for the birther movement, insisted on seeing his school records, claiming he had 'heard' his grades weren't that good. Again, looking at the past administration, you had a President who admitted he was a C student, who got into prestigious schools on legacy scholarships, yet the Bush administration got us caught up in two wars and all we have to show for it is trillions of dollars in debt.

While some were going on about birth certificates, this President was planning, then executed, the assassination of an individual many said was a scourge to the United States. And still some people complain.


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Obama Can't Swim - May 10, 2011
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