There are lots of reasons not to like Donald Trump. As he gears up for whatever scheme he has for the 2012 election, it has been painful to listen to him talk about the issues. First of all, the only issue he talked about early on, and the one he continues to push forward, is his birther fantasy about the President. In recent interviews he has shown a sense of politics that would make, no offense, a middle American working at WalMart proud but doesn't meet with the real intricacies and frankly the messy junk politicians have to deal with. A President can't just fly over to OPEC and tell them they have had their fun and should stop with the high price of oil. You can't just threaten to take our military out of their country.

Trump has flipped on a number of issues putting him more in line with the conservative Republican Party. His change in his stance on abortion is rather telling, if it is true. According to him, and this was taken from an interview done on ABC, Thump said this about his change on abortion.

He would-- did not want a child and his wife didn’t want a child. And they were going to abort. And they didn’t do it for very complicated reasons,” Trump said. “And now they have the child. And it’s the apple of his eye. And he said, ‘Thank God.’ He changed also, by the way. ‘Thank God, I didn’t do it.’ And I’ve seen that, and I’ve seen other things. And I am pro-life.”

So, breaking down the statement, because of a friend Trump had who didn't want to have another child and they decided to keep the baby and all is well he is now pro-life. It is so typical of someone like Trump to use his friends as examples of his policy. If this person really exists, it would probably be correct in saying this person is on par with Trump. Trump referred to his as a friend, so he's not talking about the help he hires, which would make significantly less money than he does. Trump said the friend didn't think of the abortion for complicated reasons. Well of course they didn't. Again, assuming this is a friend the parents would have enough money to cover the situation no matter what. Do an abortion, find some change, head to a discreet hospital and get it done. No traveling to Planned Parenthood and the gauntlet of protesters. No dealing with how to come up with the money for the abortion. Since they decided to have the child, of course they can shower the child with love and money. No WIC program for them, no pulling out food stamps or seriously dealing with the financial hardships of a child.

The most honest thing to show how out of touch Trump is, he talked about the father of the child. The father could walk away at any time. That is one main reason why men can't understand the drain and anguish that comes with an abortion decision. Trump gave the wet dream scenario of the people that protest abortion clinics. Here were two people who were deciding to abort not because of economic hardship, not because of a medical condition, not because the pregnancy was forced. They just didn't want to have a child.

People thought Bush was reckless with his cowboy diplomacy but Trump works out of bullying. Listen to him in interviews. He wants to be the center of attention, he wants to be the boss. In almost all the interviews I have heard he bristles at a question he doesn't like, and it's not a politician style of bristling. It may be endearing to be a bully with reporters if you are a reality TV act, or if you want to pretend you are a successful business magnate, but as the Commander in chief of the free world you must have diplomacy, there must be tact. Listening to how Trump would handle some of our international issues would bring the US into war with the whole of the Middle East.

Trump is not someone I would want in the Oval Office.


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Trump The Bully - April 20, 2011
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