I know there isn't one hive mind group think that formulates the thought patterns of conservatives but I am getting confused by the myriad of comments I have seen from pundits on the FoxNews website recently.

One commentator seems upset that Michelle Obama is promoting healthy foods and good health for kids. The writer complained about the organic garden Obama set up, about the lecture about too much sugar being used and now they are upset because the First Lady would like to have salad bars in schools. The writer laments this is part of an effort for the nanny state to encroach on our freedom. In an incredible way, the writer compares having a salad bar as part of a larger plan to 'force' universal health care on us. Think I'm joking? Here's part of the editorial that address that scenario:

While this not only speaks to more central planning type government intrusion and control, it's also a direct result of universal health care. If the state is going to start paying for your treatment, they are going to have a vested interest in what you’re putting in your mouth, and kids are no different. This is just the beginning.

Wow, who would have thought a First Lady recommendation of eating healthy would lead to government intrusion. Of course, only socialist Democratic First Ladies would have such a Machiavellian plan. All Laura Bush wanted kids to do was read and Nancy Reagan wanted kids to say no to drugs. Maybe I should look at those further.

Another FoxNews editorial talked about how wonderful it was that a pastor told his employees they better get rid of their Facebook accounts or they would be fired. According to the editorial, Rev. Cedric Miler had “significant point to make” by instituting the ban. With a straight face (at least I imagine it was) the writer went on to talk about how the social network allowed for the general firewalls that would prevent adultery to be taken down, thus making it much easier for weak willed people to give into temptation and pursue lustful liaisons. Here is part of that editorial:

I empathize with Pastor Miller, though I will never encourage the "banning" of Facebook.

But I stand with him in the reality that watching the American family being torn apart is still one of the biggest and most painful realities of American life, and for his willingness to attempt to do something about it, I offer him my thanks!

Lovely words, and I guess you have to forgive the writer for not knowing the information that came out a few days after the editorial was posted. It seems the good minister, in the recent past, was involved in a threesome with his wife and a male assistant. OK, let that sink into your head for a moment. A pastor talks about the evil of Facebook, wants to ban it from the married people that work for him, and the same pastor who claims Facebook is a portal to infidelity seemed to have no problem getting his own freak on with a male assistant and the pastor's wife.

What is becoming so apparent in a number of recent incidents is there is a willingness to attack or defend something that, on the surface, seems to be in your interest but the bigger picture isn't taken into account. Some conservatives are so hateful of the Black President they are willing to shoot down anything he offers, even if it is in their best interest. The First Lady says she wants kids to be healthy and eat salad and somehow that's a conspiracy for government take over health care. More to the point, having universal health care is a bad thing, even though if you tried to take Medicare away from people they would go after you with a knife.

A pastor says Facebook is a tool for evil and those people who are against the exchange of ideas and debate applaud him, even if on the face of it it seems like an unusual demand. People were able to get together before Facebook and they will do the same in the wake of Facebook. Ironically, as the story unfolded, the pastor proved one only has to look around the office corner to get his freak on. The Facebook ban seems to speak more of the pastor's insecurities than that of his congregation.



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The Morality Police - November 21, 2010
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