Sarah Palin, my parents don’t like you. I’m not saying that to be mean, but you have to understand my parents raised me and live their lives to have a lot of tolerance of people, even when their points of view differs from theirs. I was shocked to see my parents watch and respect Rachel Maddow. Now, I can understand if you read that and figure my parents have fallen for the left wing media but I was surprised to hear and watch my black conservative parents sitting down, listening and agreeing with Maddow on a number of topics. They gave her the benefit of any doubt they had about her and found her wit and intellectual honesty refreshing.

You, Sarah Palin, you have proved to be tone deaf to people who might listen to you. You have repeatedly decided it is best to divide and conquer rather that heal and unite. Instead of talking to the press, where people can judge your words carefully, you feel it necessary to communicate by tweets and Facebook posts. While those might be cute to a fourteen year old, especially with the tweet spelling you use, as a press release it is lacking in so many ways.

Now from my end, I see the tweets and Facebook messages and I shake my head at the lack of decorum and knowledge in your words. My parents aren’t so technologically savvy, so when they see you, it’s when you have deemed us with your presence at some $1000 or more plate dinner that has been taped. They also hear about you from press reports and, yes, from Rachel Maddow and other. They don’t see you as very knowledgeable as to history, either of America or with your own. Take the statement you just made to Dr. Laura, in a tweet of course, where you told her “Don’t retreat . . . reload.” It would seem after the last time you used the same statement it is odd that you would use the term again, thus bringing up those memories. You talk about how Dr. Laura first Amendment rights “cease 2exist” yet that isn’t the case. She wasn’t even fired from her job! She said she would quit because of the controversy of her words, but she had every right to say what she had to say, just as WE have a right to complain about what she said. Even you said in a tweet that she will be more powerful and effective without her shackles. So I’m confused how her first Amendment rights ceased to exist yet she is becoming more powerful without the shackles?

Time and time again you have proven to speak first and think later, which is a frightening prospect for a leader. That’s why many people question you, when they have a chance to talk to you directly. See, just like Dr. Laura, you have been freed of the shackles of having to answer questions of the MEDIA. You can put out a tweet or Facebook message without filter or follow up. What my parents, and many Americans fully understand, while that may be something entertaining for pseudo celebrities like Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Snookie, shooting wildly from the hip from a political figure, especially when the facts are so incredibly wrong, is dangerous.



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An Open Letter to Sarah Palin - August 19, 2010
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