I heard this on the radio this morning and it was so . . . I don’t have the right words for it. It shows the stupidity of the right wing and how people are willing to accept the silliest explanations about the health care bill. To me, and I’m only using this as my opinion, it shows the underlying racism some people have with President Obama.

OK, you may have heard some mention, such as Limbaugh and Beck, have said the health care bill is some sort of reparation to minorities. Yes, helping out all people is some way for those that hate white people, read militant black and Latino folks, to get back at them. As usual, we hear it and think no one would believe it, at least that rational people wouldn’t believe it.

In the health care bill there is a 10% tanning tax. Indoor tanning services will carry an additional tax, which I suspect is patterned on the same tax you have for alcohol and cigarettes. They are things that are legal but abusive use of those items can cause medical harm in the future.

Now that you have the pieces in place, here is what I heard. On a local conservative radio station, the hosts were angry about the health care bill and the protests leading up to the bill. Like good FoxNews drones (reporters) they questioned if any of the verbal attacks were made. They said there were conflicting reports of the racial slurs and spitting. As for the Baby Killer remark which was caught on audio and was admitted to by a Republican lawmaker, that was brushed aside as an isolated incident.

They got a call from someone who mentioned the tanning tax in the bill. This person went on to theorize it was a reparations tax. His reasoning for this was tanning isn’t something that would be done by “darker hued people” (his words). He said “lighter hued people” are the target of the tax and would be taxed more than the “darker hued people” even though the “darker hued people” would disproportionately use the health care services more than the “lighter hued people.” Instead of laughing or shouting this person off the air, the hosts, probably feeling most of their audience wouldn’t understand the word hue, proceeded to explain in great detail that the caller meant white people would pay the tanning tax because they needed it more than blacks and Hispanics. They tried to get the caller to say black, Hispanic or minority, but they wouldn’t however he did relent and say it was a tax on people of a light complexion. The hosts agreed with this and came close to calling it a white people tax. They did say it seemed to them like a payback to minorities.

I don’t know why they just didn’t come out and say they think the tanning tax is a secret white people tax; a way for minorities to get back at whitey for hundreds of years of oppression. I don’t understand how the other side can say how stupid liberals are in one breath yet will attribute to them the most byzantine conspiracy theories this side of the DC Justice League Unlimited animated Question.


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The White Man Tax - March 24, 2010
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