As soon as I think I’m finished for a bit with the FoxNews lunacy, something comes up to push my buttons to the red zone. All last week, especially on FoxNews, there was uproar because Obama was going to talk to students about staying in school. It was called a communist/socialist plot, it was said he was indoctrinating kids against parents, some even said this was the first step in setting up some sort of youth council which would be a watchdog group like in Nazi Germany.

This was all said before the speech was made.

FoxNews right now is defending an incident in, where else, Texas which is so over the top wrong I can’t believe the commentators are actually for what happened. There was a high school football team in Texas who went to a revival meeting at a church. It wasn’t billed as a revival meeting, but it was supposed to be kind of a pep rally but it was held in another county than the school was located in, the players went to the church on school buses (though the report said the gas was paid for by volunteers, as if that should be different) and during this rally over five players, along with other people at the ‘rally’ were baptized. Oh, to add some grist to the mill, the superintendent of the school was in attendance.

Obviously some parents are upset with this. Think about it, they’re in Texas where football and religion are one in the same and you have parents who are upset their sons went to a church, without their permission and on the school’s dime, and decided to get baptized. The superintendent, since he was in attendance, doesn’t see anything wrong with what happened, saying the boys made a choice of what to do.

Excuse me? A week ago FoxNews was leading the charge and fanning the flames that Obama was going to indoctrinate the kids with a speech about staying in school. Here you have school officials taking football players to church so that can ‘make the decision’ and get baptized. The tenor of the report and the commentators talking about it don’t see anything wrong with this; stating over again the players had a choice to participate or not in the trip and in the baptism. What is more of a captivating moment; the President of the United States on TV urging kids to stay in school or a football coach telling his team to get on a bus, takes them to a church and after a sermon having players, at least 5, decide it’s a good thing to get baptized? The parents knew the President was going to talk to the kids, the football players’ parents had no idea this was going on.

I did a little digging and found information on the incident on the AP and it’s a lot more involved than the FoxNews report presented. The main person in this seems to be Robert Coffey, a player who got baptized that night and whose parents are the ones who have complained the most about the incident. Only two other parents have shown concern on this. Coffey admits he got baptized because some of his friends were doing it. It seems the coach brought along 20 players to the revival meeting. There were 47 people who were baptized that night with nine of the players being baptized. So you have almost half of the players getting baptized. Oh, the reason why the superintendent was at the revival was it was her church, yet she claimed the assumption was the parents knew the nature of the trip to the church.

It is hard to be serious in the wake of what is being said by the opposition when they aren’t consistent. If it is wrong for the President to speak to kids about staying in school, even if you think there are some evil sub currents about it, surely you have to protest when a football coach, without the parents knowledge and apparently being OK with the superintendent, takes players to another county to a church where almost half get baptized.



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Football Baptism Sparks No Anger from FoxNews - September 18, 2009
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