The Obama speech to school kids is about thirty minutes from being aired. I keep hearing in the news that there are a lot of crackpots and extremists who are against the speech. I have read that it’s just a small portion of people that feel this way.

I have to differ on that approach.

The past few days I’ve hit a lot of website comment areas, both conservative and liberal sites. Mostly I’ve tried taking a look at local news sites, because I feel that might give a neutral court for both sides to go to. Judging by a lot of the comments left, there are a lot more vocal people who don’t like the President. No, the better word is fear the President. Just this morning, with the speech out on the internet for a day, I came across local news sites where the President was compared to Hitler, where they think he has a messiah complex and that the President is some ‘ist’. Here are some of the comments I have run across in the past 30 minutes:

Obama is targeting our youth just as Hilter did. It's a shame that the people who support him are the same people who want "free" government health care and other perks. Little do they know that nothing is free and America will fall because of the tactics of Obama. Stay away from our children Obama, you're a disgraceful interloper.

Too bad the messiah can't 'pay attention' to what the American citizens are saying in the town hall meetings!

bobbo, getting his "facts" from were Annenberg- Obama - Ayers are the puppet masters, twisting the "facts" posted to fit their communist agenda. Great research, bobbo. We established before the election that FactCheck is not reliable - just another manifestation of the wolf in sheep's clothing - a front for Obama:

The president was born in Kenya, his name is listed on his second birth certificate which is Indonesian. I have to correct a previous error, the presidents name is Barry Hussein Lolo Obama, his birth certificate shows he was born in Indonesa, his religion is listed as Islam. Lolo was his late step fathers name who helped him enter Indonesian schools by proving Barry's Indonesian citizenship. Later, Barry changed his name to Barack, went on as an undergraduate to Occidental College thru a special scholarship fund given by Fulbright Foundation Scholarship by claiming his foreign citizenship as Indonesia, only foreign citizens can obtain fundings from that foundation. During his campaign he spent upwards of $950,000 of campaign money to 11 law firms in 12 states to protect him from any personal disclosures. The Supreme Court of California has 19 law suits questioning his birth qualification for presidency. It is currently under investigation and findings will be reported by US Attorney Eric Holder, he refuses commenting at this time.

You must remember, this is not the initial speech that was to be broadcast. It has been revised mega time. I have to agree, by judging what I read, if it inspires kids to stay in school and do something productive in life, I am all for it. I did not like all the garbage initially, to where the kids were supposed to write how they could help the president. That was creepy, suggestive.
As you can see, and these comments were taken exactly from the sites, there are people out there willing to fight the same arguments even when overwhelming evidence is to the contrary. They would rather listen to Rush Limbaugh bloviate on the radio, would rather watch Glenn Beck with his black helicopter, chalkboard revivalist claptrap and watch Sean Hannity with his fear the black man mantra every day.

Like the last comment I placed on here, even when the speech is presented you have someone who believes the speech was not the initial speech. You can’t win with folks like that. It seems the speech is going to start in about 10 minutes and it’s rather telling what I’m seeing. The school where the President is going to speak from is a mixed school. Scanning the crowd you see all matter of students in the crowd. When the networks go to other schools, to give a perspective of this across the country, it’s not so surprising the schools are mostly white schools.



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Just Before the Obama School Speech - September 08, 2009
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