Last night Obama gave his first speech to a joint session of Congress, and by all accounts (unless you listen to FoxNews) it was a home run. Everything about the speech talked about hope, had a plan and assured the American people we have the capability to surge ahead and become successful. Despite the protest that I’m sure Mrs. McCain would say, I’m sure many Americans have felt proud this last month because we have a President who is articulate, thoughtful and seems willing to lead this nation responsibly. We haven’t had that in a long time.

There was something that happened last night, something that was such a throwback, that made me wonder about what could have been and what some still wish it to be. I had the same reaction to it that apparently someone at MSNBC had, according to Real Clear Politics.

I was watching the President’s speech on MSNBC last night. When it was over, that’s when all the praise started and the open questioning began because some wondered what the Republican response would be. Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana was pegged to give it and to be honest, that had to be a thankless job. Just like in the time of Reagan’s Presidency, he would give this great speech full of hope and optimism, then a Democrat had to come on later to give a response. No matter what, the response would always sound like a wet blanket after such a hopeful message. It’s like there is some political law that says you can’t agree with the opposition President, or at least agree with most of their initiative. No, the law states you have to tow the party line, even if that line will drag your party down. You have to stick to your core principles.

So, it was with that millstone around his neck that Gov. Jindal had to respond to the President. When the camera when to the Governor’s mansion, then there was the shot of him walking to the camera like some shy kid about ready to begin a recital, I moaned Oh my goodness. Coincidentally, and confirmed by Real Clear Politics, an MSNBC host or producer could be heard off camera muttering “Oh God.”

Gov. Jindal proceeded to give, not one of the worst response speeches, but one that was real close. There was someone during the Reagan administration, I don’t remember whom, but the speech was given after the landslide re-election of Reagan and that speech was truly terrible because it ignored the results of the recent election. The Jindal speech was similar, because, as someone said on TV later, it was as if he wrote the speech without knowing what the President was going to say, but when they had the transcript (little known fact: the press had the speech at least an hour before it was given and it was on the wire and web when he started speaking) they didn’t go in and make changes.

Rachel Maddow, a host not short on words, was completely silenced when asked to comment on the Jindal speech. It wasn’t shtick. I was left after hearing him wondering what he was talking about and was he in the same America as everyone else is. Of course, this is the same Governor Jindal who wants to refuse a part of the stimulus package, the exact part of the package that would put cold cash into the hands of people of his state who are unemployed. No, the Republicans say that’s welfare and he’s not going to take it.

So the Republicans will staunchly forge ahead while 60% of Americans like the direction Obama is taking them in. They would rather gamble on the plan not working, making Americans more miserable and then, with an angry public ride in for their own brand of change, instead of working with the President, helping Americans and, no matter if it succeeds or fails, will be able to say we tried something.


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The Jindal Stubborn Response - Feb 26, 2009
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