It was surprising to see this on the FoxNews website, so the information has to be correct.

For the past few days there has been on the Drudge Report and on the FoxNews website about the Halloween display of Sarah Palin being hanged from a building. There was shock and outrage and on the FoxNews website, they had pictures of the incident for at least three days. I was checking on something else and saw something about a hanging, and assumed it was more on Palin and was ready to move on, but I clicked on the link and turned out to be about two Kentucky college students who were arrested because they had a hanging of Obama.

They, of course, claimed it was a prank and said they didn't mean it as anything racist. Hmm, college students, whom you would assume would know of the history of lynching in this country, had no idea that putting up a image of a black man running for President being hanged wasn't just 'a prank.'

It was stupid in the Palin case and it was stupid in the Obama case.

Oh, but there is more!

Apparently, within the past month, there have been four other instances of Obama lynching 'pranks.' It took a while to sort through them in the article, because at first they made it seem like it was only on college campuses and isolated to two incidents, then the article mentioned two other cases, which on first read seemed like they were against Palin but were actually more Obama hangings at private homes.

Less than two years ago there was a national debate about a white tree in a town. Students put nooses in the tree and there was large protest in the town because of it. Are memories so sort that they have forgotten what our past was like? I deplore that Palin was hung, but to have Obama hung, and so many times, is disgusting and discouraging.


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Hanging Obama Isn't a Prank - Nov 01, 2008
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