I don't understand why the people that throws the most mud, willing for us to examine minute aspects of everyone's lives as if a chance meeting with someone years ago will have significant impact on our decisions today, why these same folks cry foul and partisanship when the same magnifying glass is focused on them. There was an article recently in the NY Times which did a story on Cindy McCain. It was, overall, a positive piece, but it touched on some issues their campaign doesn't want to talk about. It mentioned how the two met; with John McCain, at the time, being married to his first wife and how, and I'm being very crass here, met in a bar. They talked about her addiction to pain pills and how she stole them from the organization she ran.

The McCain campaign trotted out all the talking points meant to confirm their bases' worst fears. It was a hatchet job by the liberal media. Why didn't the NY Times do an in-depth piece on Michelle Obama? Where is the investigation into Obama's past? The most ridiculous statement in the press release by the McCain campaign was "You have not tried to find Barack Obama's drug dealer that he wrote about in his book, 'Dreams of My Father.'"

Goodness, I just don't get the logic the campaign is using in the last days of the race. The Times, as they confirmed, have done stories on all the candidates and wives, in the past few months. They did do a story on Michelle Obama a month or two ago. It can't be the Times' fault if she didn't pop pills or is an heiress to a beer distributor. I think in the case of Obama, the McCain camp is upset because he did write a book about his past, both the good and bad. It's very tough to play gotcha politics when you've laid the cards on the table. The stupidity of asking why hasn't the Times tried to find the person who sold Obama drugs in the past is 'what does that have to do with now?' If they have proof of Obama doing drugs now, or even 10 years ago, OK maybe there would be some relevance.

The cold hard truth is the campaign is so out of ideas its willing to grasp at straws to generate attention.

There is the trend to try and show Obama as being 'other' throughout this campaign. Clinton did it in the primaries and McCain is doing it now. The Republicans, bless their hearts, are trying to embrace their inner racist with recent comments and ads from the fringes of the party. They want people to go to the polls in two weeks and seriously feel it would be dangerous to have a black man in the White House. They want that fear of a black America to grip the throats and change minds. They don't want to compete on the issues, but on base fears.


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Republicans Say Don't Look at Cindy McCain - Oct 23, 2008
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