I love Stacey Dash. I have loved her, in a slightly obsessive boy crush kind of way, since I saw her on TV 101. That's years before Clueless and The Cosby Show. When I first put Chaotic Fringe online, I used to have an annual Hottest Woman of the Year list and Stacey Dash was at the top of that list for five years straight. I haven't seen everything she has been in but I've seen a lot of them.

OK, so I have established the love for Stacey Dash I have. So yes, I was surprised when she announced she was voting for Romney in the Presidential election. I think other than the lackluster performance of the President in his first debate against Romney, I have not seen so much ink and angst written about a political subject in the black community as I have seen with the Stacey Dash endorsement of Romney. OK, maybe a tie between her endorsement and Herman Cain's running for President.

It's kind of funny to me because the reaction Stacey is getting is similar to the reaction Nicki Minaj got recently when she supposedly supported Romney before saying it was a joke. She got the death threats, the taunts, the back handed pity remarks and the pop psychoanalyzing. It's only when she said she was kidding did the comments stop, but when you think about it, who is the one with the problem?

Stacey Dash made an endorsement of a candidate for President. That is her right as an American and as a person. Even people not living in this country have made comments about our elected officials. Just because she didn't make the choice you thought she should make doesn't make her any different than the person you loved a week, a month or years ago. She is one of many celebrities who have made their opinions known about who they want in the White House. The people that are hating figured Stacey would be down with Brother President and when she wasn't, that blew their minds.

So let's get real about this. The truth is, many are trippin' because they thought they knew Stacey Dash. They saw her on Clueless, they saw her on Single Ladies and they figured by that and the articles written about her they had a handle on who she is. I love Stacey Dash in a boy crush kind of way, but I would never get upset about her view on an issue because Stacey Dash has never presented herself in that way. She has always represented herself as an actor, not as an activist, as far as I know. Even if she was an activist, again, that is her prerogative. She can give her opinion and like I always say, someone has the right to say what they want to say and we have the right to respond responsibly to that person. She can endorse Romney and if you don't agree, you have the right to vote for Obama. Telling her she is a traitor to her race, to imply she should vote for Obama because she is black is kind of a weak argument. If that is the case then could ti be said that people who support Obama and are white are traitors to their race? If that were the case, we would be talking about President McCain and Vice President Palin.

Honestly, people are angry with Stacey Dash the same way some women get angry when brothers date white women. They hate the guy but the real issue is they are angry the guy didn't date them. They begin to wonder what it is in them that made the guy go for the white girl. Instead of thinking it is a choice the guy made for himself, they attribute all sorts of issues on the guy without knowing the cause.

You want my opinion? Honestly, Stacey Dash can vote for whoever she wants. She can endorse and campaign for whoever she wants. I love Stacey Dash like crazy, in a boy crush kind of way, and I respect her enough as a person to know she has to make her own decisions. All I do is rent or watch her movies on TV. She doesn't owe me anything. She can ask me to vote for Romney but I guarantee if I respectfully decline to vote for him she's not going to call me a traitor to my race or question my manhood. She has the right to her views on the candidates as a citizen of the United States and as a person who only knows her from TV and film, I don't have a right to criticize her on her decision. No matter her stance on the President, I'm still gonna love me some Stacey Dash.


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Don't Bash Stacey Dash - October 11, 2012
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