Every time the Star Wars films get released to the public, changes that are made cause a legion of fans to rise up from the basements they have occupied, grab their Boba Fett blasters and lightsabers, the original ForceFX ones not the new ones or some plastic knock offs, and take to the streets to proclaim they are the true heirs to the Star Wars legacy, because only an evil corrupted soul would change the purity that is Star Wars (in the original trilogy of course, not the prequel abominations). That the person making the changes is the patron Pope of all things Star Wars, George Lucas, the cries of horror have created the most disgusting, yet apt phrases used by this fan base.

George Lucas raped my childhood.

The previous paragraph is the paradox many reporters have in reviewing popular culture items, be it the release in a few weeks of the Blu-Ray Star Wars with more changes from Lucas, modifications in the Catwoman or Superman costumes for the Batman and Superman films, or the massive revamp of the DC Universe. The reporter wants real news, Washington scandal, Lindsay Lohan scandal, and the covering of what they consider beneath them causes them to do lazy reporting. More than any other story, they will rely on rumor, half truths and frankly, immature thinking by some fans and base this as a ‘scandal.’

Let’s take an example out of the pop culture realm I know. A few days ago the cast of Dancing with the Stars was announced and Chaz Bono was on the list. It seemed every news station devoted some time to covering the cast of this celebrity dance show, populated by C or worse celebrities. A day later, many of the same stations breathlessly talked about the controversy surrounding one of the contestants of the show and the problems this might cause. Because Chaz Bono is transgendered, some people have taken to blogs to express their disgust and regret for Chaz being chosen, some so angry they have threatened not to watch the show.

Weak willed politicians, an economy faltering, environmental issue plaguing our health and well being, and some people are only moved to actions by a inconsequential TV show who puts on a questionable star, and this will motivate them to be so outraged they are willing to stop watching the show, which in the end means nothing. Worse, instead of this being treated as the non-story it is, news stations play this up as if the squeal of the few unstable fans will kill the show and thus create a vacuum in the social consciousness of America that can’t be repaired.

That is not unlike what has happened with the controversy of the Star Wars Blu-Ray release and the additions added to the movie. To the fans that are so upset by the changes, how are you not surprised? Lucas has made changes to the films it seems with every release to a new medium. Like Lord of the Rings film fans, there is a complaint about so many versions and changes being brought out, yet the joke goes the loudest complainers are the ones that have every release out there. With the Blu Ray release, some fans are upset that the cry of NO is put into the scene where Darth Vader throws the Emperor into the abyss. This two second cry has caused many to take to keyboard screaming their childhood has been forever ruined because of the two second scream. Reporters love fanning the flame on this because, honestly, it is so silly but the people complaining are so passionate it makes them look like a joke.

I’m sorry I have to be so harsh on it but it’s true. Do I like the changes? No I don’t but I can, like I’m sure millions of Star Wars fans can do, pull out the DVD version if I don’t want the scream, or just block that out of my head. Look, the Greedo shoots first argument, in terms of Star Wars re-editing controversies, was close to a legitimate argument since the change was so badly done, and frankly knowing Han shot first made him a more dangerous character. However, even with that change, on the second DVD release, I believe, contained the original Star Wars without the Special Edition changes, so you could still own Han shooting first.

My biggest complaint about the arguments by fans is the people making the most noise about the changes are the ones who will lose the least in the changes. I will get the Blu Ray versions, but I have the Special Edition DVDs which have the original versions on them, plus I have the VHS of the Special Editions and the VHS of the original versions, and with those I have two release sets of them. Yes, I still have a working VHS player. I know I’m not alone in owning the film in multiple formats so while I might not like the changes; I have the originals at my fingertip if I need to see a ‘pure’ version. That would be the same for many out there. You have a way of seeing the original version with all its cute flaws.

As a personal note, I would love it if this version cleans up two nagging technical flaws for me in the original Star Wars. One, it gets rid of the matte boxes around the Star Destroyers that follow Han when the Falcon leaves orbit of Tatooine. Second, animate the lightsaber beam that disappears when Vader and Obi-Wan fight just before Vader kills him. Seeing the sticks in that scene is just wrong.



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George Lucas, 'Scandal' and Star Wars Blu Ray - August 31, 2011
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