OK color me officially shocked!

I saw this ad for Dove and it is so subliminal is so many ways it isn't funny. Take a good look at the picture. What does it say to you?

It has been mentioned on some websites that one subliminal message is the soap has some skin whitening elements, since the models go from black to white. Even with the close up of the before and after skin, most black people worry about ashy skin, while smooth skin is associated with white people. Clearly this ad is trying to put across the notion that it will help people become white.

I find this a little ironic since I saw another article about the controversy of Beyonce and her new cover showing her a lot lighter than usual. Is there some corporate message trying to get our black women to become white?

OK, here's another body image issue against black people in the ad. While I wouldn't necessarily call the black woman fat, she is a bit large. Then you go to the brunette then the blond. As you move from each model, they get thinner. You're telling me in the whole of the modeling world they couldn't find a thinner black model? Subliminally, the notion is if you take this soap black women, you will transform yourself from an unattractive fat black woman into a desired blond white woman. All the better to get those black men who have strayed away from black sisters.

For more, look at the black woman's pose. It just reads reality show sassy. You can just hear the ignorant prattle that will issue from her mouth, the neck rolling, the snapping fingers. The brunette has some sass, but it is very muted. The blond woman is almost subservient, giving a message of who me, like she is trying not to show she knows how much sexual power she has.

The Dove ad is so blatantly racist.

Alright did I get your attention? Good. Understand something important, anyone, even me, can sit in the kitchen, read an article a certain way, and go off on some wild areas. I wrote the stuff about the Dove ad strictly as a joke, but it was based on articles I read where the columnist actually believed the ad was a subliminal message. I try to do my research, to find if what I'm reading is supported by facts. Other times I do give my opinion on things, but I try to keep them focused on facts and will site articles to support my position. Even with that, with the Internet and the amount of 'experts' out there anything can be supported. I guarantee if I didn't add this disclaimer at the end of this article I'm sure a lot of people reading this might think my ideas are correct, probably to the point of linking them on the web as proof of the Dove conspiracy. So, just to be clear, what I have written in this article is a parody.



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Dove Soap Racist Ad - May 23, 2011
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