The new trailers for Star Trek and Watchmen recently came online. The music for the Watchmen trailer isn't the Smashing Pumpkin opus, but is a rather good Philip Glass piece which works well with the images. There was some new stuff, especially the opening sequence where the Comedian meets his end. After reading the graphic novel again I can see some places where the script was changed, even before the big calamari argument hitting the net. All I can say is this movie looks like it will be extremely faithful to the source material, and I hope non fans will get it.

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Star Trek, for some reason, I'm not getting into. For the life of me the trailer, parts of it, reminds me of The Phantom Menace. Lots of speed, lots of explosions, lots of running, but no sense of the characters. I have gone over the trailer a couple of times, but I lost it, humor wise, when I saw someone had re-cut and re-scored the trailer to the theme song to Beverly Hills 90210. Oh my goodness the music fit perfectly, which is kind of sad when you think about it. Sure, I'll be in line to see this, and the movie ultimately might work, but the film still looks like a big budget high school production with kid actors in the classic roles.

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Another New Watchmen Trailer and First Star Trek Trailer - Nov 28, 2008
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